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racism News

ECB recommends £500,000 fine and points deductions for Yorkshire in the racism scandal

The ECB has recommended that Yorkshire face a £500,000 fine and points deductions in all three competitions this season following the Azeem Rafiq racism scandal.County club Yorkshi


14 percent of professional cricketers face racism

A recent survey says that 14percent of professional cricketers are victims of racism. More than 50professional cricketers from around the world who took part in the surveyconfessed


People sometimes assume I'm Maori or Indian: Ross Taylor reveals racism in New Zealand cricket

New Zealand is considered one ofthe most civilized and polite teams in world cricket. But this time thelegendary former cricketer Ross Taylor has accused New Zealand of racism.Tayl


The entire Scotland cricket board resigns following allegations of racism

Cricket Scotland's board has resigned following racism allegations and directors have already sent the resignation letter to interim CEO Gordan Arthur.The board sent the letter of


'Once the IPL started, the English are licking our backsides'

Former India wicket-keeper Farokh Engineer has revealed his County days as a Lancashire player where he faced racism from the English.Engineer went to play for the English County C


Smith denies Tsolekile's accusation of racism

Former South Africa wicket-keeper Thami Tsolekile has accused former South Africa captain Graeme Smith for racism. He’s also expected apology from Smith in that issue.According to


Fan abuses Dhawan's son calling 'black', his wife slams with strong reply

Anti-apartheid movements have gained new momentum around the world since the killing of blacks in America. People from all walks of life are joining this movement. The world of spo


'West Indian stars like Sammy are treated like kings in Pakistan'

The death of George Floyd, an African-American who was tortured by a white police officer, has sparked outrage around the world against racism. This influence is also felt in crick


Sammy's allegation of racism proves true as Ishant called him 'kalu' on Instagram

Caribbean cricketer Darren Sammy has recently revealed surprising information about racism. In the Indian Premier League (IPL), he was treated racistly but so far he didn’t underst


Sammy expresses anger over racist word 'kalu' used against him in IPL

Caribbean cricketer Darren Sammy has revealed surprising information about racism. In the Indian Premier League (IPL), he was treated racistly but so far he didn’t understand it. H


Without diversity, cricket is nothing, ICC on racism after Floyd's death

The United States has been trembled by the killing of black George Floyd by white police. Violence erupted across the United States on May 25 after 46-year old Floyd was killed by


BPL franchise Chattogram Challengers stand against racism

Alongside the news of the coronavirus, the ongoing anti-apartheid protests in the United States is making the headline in current world. George Floyd, an African-American, died in


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